Distinguish AI content from human content

In five years at the latest, AI-generated content and human-created content will mix in our digital marketing cosmos. We will no longer be able to distinguish the contents with our human eyes.🫣

How do we deal with this in marketing? My thoughts in this post. What do you think about it? Write it in the comment! 👇

1️⃣ Increase acceptance:
We will open up to AI in our company. This technology will find its way into our work areas. Whether we want it or not. We can no longer defend ourselves against this technology. It is not just a trend, but a sustainable optimization of our work processes. There is nothing more for me to discuss about this.😡 Such anti-discussions only distract from preparing our brand for a global future.

AI-Tools will create our content in the future. The first step is to build acceptance within the company to open up to this new technology. We will not remain defensive or analyze ourselves to death. Our team can and should use AI. Yes, team members can and should save time.

We use the freed up time for other highly effective tasks. Tasks for which we previously lacked the resources. We can save external processes. We can open up new markets. We can increase our pressure to communicate. We will definitely not lay off any employees. Please build this trust through clear internal communication. Then we strengthen the acceptance in our organization.

2️⃣ Develop new media skills:
We will all develop new media skills. The fact that content was created by AI is initially viewed as legitimate. AI-generated content has its place. Our perception will change so that we no longer condemn AI-generated content, but rather rely on appropriate labeling mechanisms and brand ethics.

In the future, social networks will incorporate corresponding labels into their mechanics. We will examine unlabeled and untrustworthy content more critically in the future. All users of digital channels will develop this media competence. It is important to drive this growth process forward through further education and training in this field (Tommy offers great lectures, coachings or in-house trainings 🤓).

3️⃣ Building trust as a brand:
In the future, we as a brand will be held much more responsible for increasing trust in our communication and content. We will create, publish and live appropriate AI policies. As a brand, we take a clear position on how AI is used in our content creation. We communicate clearly and transparently that we use AI tools ethically and label our AI-generated content. You can find an example of an AI policy here. .👮‍♂️
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#AITools #chatgpt #googlebard #contentcreation #AIinMarketing #DiscoverAIinSocialMedia #sentimeo

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